Thursday, September 23, 2010

What Do You Think?

It's some OC. Personally, I'm surprised the internet hasn't ran with this yet. I laugh my ass off every time I see the commercial.


  1. Well, my English is not so good so I don't have idea what is Opulence, I translated but It gave me an unknown word for me. Perhaps I should had to see that movie or something, there's a bunch of stuff that I'm skipping... btw nice blog, I'm following you know! ^_^ and I hope the next joke you make I can understand it, lol.

  2. funny post above, wonder if thats for serial. anyways, great blog, see its in the starting phase, following and will be back to see how it turns out

  3. haha now thats all i'll think about it when i see it

  4. I haven't seen the commercial, wish I did..
    I feel like I'm being left out of a inside joke.

  5. hahah nice commercial

    (added, add me back! ty)

  6. Exactly the same tough as MagerFromTha619 :S

  7. hmm ill have to look up this commercial,

  8. Hey brovah, always glad I follow you ;) Keep updating so I can keep laughing mate, I check my recent activity feed all day. Makes seeing all my friends really easy throughout the day.


  9. Nice post looking forward to more in the future
    cya later
