Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Awesome Movie

I'm a fan of Guy Richie movies and absolutely love RocknRolla. I highly recommend watching this movie. Follow this link to watch it (if your having trouble seeing it, pick a new host to watch from.) Of course, no mention of RocknRolla would be complete without listening to Rock 'N Roll Queen by The Subways.


  1. I like Guy Richie too but I haven't seen this yet.

  2. Guy Richey must have some awesome life... except that he has to get down on his knees and service Madonna 3 times a day...

  3. If you haven't seen this movie, please take my personal recommendation. Excellent flick, with superb acting and character driven, multi branching story lines that of course crash together in a way only Guy Richie can pull off.

    Oh, nice content Anghell ;) A pleasant stop in my day

  4. This song is very cool, I've listened to it, but I never knew the name. Nice!

  5. Placed on my "to watch" list. Thanks!
